Winner Global Digital PR Awards 2022 - Software of the year

Best rated experts

Current search trend: Health

Why is this useful tool totally free of charge?

Our CEO responds


Why is expertomy free?

“Very simple. Because those who hire and pay for our services are the experts with whom we connect you to collaborate.

It is the classic “Win Win”.

By using Expertomy you get to improve the quality and truthfulness of your articles, reports, and news, thanks to collaborating for free with more than 3,000 experts. And these, in return, increase visibility and authority within their sector to gain ranking in search engines. To do so, they use our Link Affinity tool.”

Who should use expertomy?

Expertomy can be used by any content creator who wants to support their articles, podcasts, videos, reports by relying on expert sources. They can provide you with a specific piece of information, an answer to your questions, an interview or anything else you need. Experts benefit from media visibility while the media increases the quality and truthfulness of their content.

They have worked with us.

Find the perfect expertise source in only a few minutes

Expertomy helps content creators like you, who want to get the right expertise source they need, without having to invest a huge amount of time in finding them.

When you submit a request on Expertomy's platform, it connects you to thousands of experts on Link Affinity. The request will only be delivered to those who match your requirements at any given time, thanks to the use of artificial intelligence.

Join now! And find the source you are looking for.

Being trustworthy and useful can increase your authority, and your public’s and the search engines’ trust. Finding quality sources is key.

Relevant content

Proof shows that content including expertise sources is more appealing and relevant for the audience

Trustworthy sources

All experts include a bio and links to their social media profiles for users to verify their career and experience

Easy and free

Access to all features is guaranteed to our users without any costs. Basically, there are no paid options